
The Lady of Blackwood Chpt 11

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Chapter 11 – Balcony

"Would you like to take a break?"
"Yes, please", Florence answered, trying to not sound out of breath. She started to leave the impromptu dance floor, but he caught her by the hand.
"Come", Marcus said. "I want to show you something."
Thirsty and tired she followed him, keeping her eyes open for something to drink. The only fluid she saw was wine, so she grabbed a glass when they passed Old Sam at his wine table. Sipping some of the liquid she climbed the stairs behind Marcus. The halls were dark and he had to take a candle from a wall bracket at the top of the stairs to light the rest of their way.
"It feels like I'm a child again." Florence was not sure why she was whispering. Perhaps it was because she felt they were sneaking about where they shouldn't be.
"Oh?" His voice was normal.
"Many times when my parents were entertaining guests, my friends and I would steal away into the night and play hide and seek. Listen... Do you hear how far away the merriment sounds? That's exactly what it was like when we were children." She was walking slightly behind him and could not tell if he was smiling.
"Where are we going? And... where are we for that matter?" There was a sudden noise close by. Florence shrieked and grabbed Marcus's sleeve with such force she was surprised the candle did not fall. Fortunately no wine spilled; her glass was empty already.
"Just a mouse, my dear", he said and she could hear the amusement in his voice. "You're not afraid of a mouse, are you?"
"N-no", she said stoutly and then admitted, "only a little." He laughed at that.
"We're here", he announced and pushed a heavy, creaking door out of the way. She followed him inside, or rather, she followed the candle's light, because without it, the hallway was utterly dark.
"Your room!", she exclaimed. Perhaps she would have been able to conceal her surprise and confusion and horror better if she had been less tipsy. Not long ago she had been willing, to a small degree, to give herself to him in this very room. Has the inevitable happened? Did he plan to make her his wife now? Nervously she backed away from him, seriously considering braving the dreadfully dark hallway on her own.
"Please don't get the wrong idea. What I want to show you is outside." He walked to a floor-to-ceiling curtain and pulled it away to reveal doors. Putting the candle on his bed stand, he stepped out into silvery moonlight. Hesitating at first, Florence looked about and then followed him. The view was breathtaking in every sense of the word, for she gasped and brought her hand to her chest to contain her heart.
In the distance town lights sparkled like diamonds and rubies in the night. Closer, between the woods surrounding Castle Blackwood and town, the moon shone on the water of the lake, turning it to milk.
"As you can see", Marcus said, leaning with his elbows on the balustrade, "I have the best view in the castle. From here one can see the sun set, the evening star rise, the moon in all its phases, the lake in all its glory, the town in its insignificance, the main road and most of Blackwood."
"It's dazzling", was all Florence could manage. "I had no idea I lived in such a charming town." Her voice choked with emotion. An interminable amount of time passed while they quietly enjoyed the view. A small boat crossed the milky white path the moon made on the lake, leaving black streaks in its wake.
"Do you see that faded yellow light?" He pointed. "Third one from the right? A little lower than the rest?"
"Yes", she was standing on the tip of her toes to follow the aim of his arm and finger.
"That's your father's new cabin."
"Really?" It's so tiny."
"Looks like he's still up."
"Or he forgot to blow out his candles again", Florence said, giggling.
Marcus smiled and took the empty wine glass from her. "Your hands are trembling. I'm sorry, I must have known you'd be cold out here." Before she could say anything he was in and out of his room and draped a soft, black, woollen blanket around her.
"Thank you", she said and clutched it tightly.
"You're welcome, ma'am", he answered, impersonating Mary and curtsied in a very girly un-Count-like fashion. The sight sent a new fit of giggles through Florence.
"Oh my, I wonder how much wine I had", she sighed. Letting her head fall backward, she allowed the breeze to cool her cheeks.
"Not much, I'm sure. Only two glasses that I saw."
"You were watching me?" She knew it was true, but there was a strange exhilaration in confronting him with it. She wanted to make him feel uncomfortable the same way he had made her uncomfortable earlier, when he watched her. Now her bold stare dared him to answer her question, but she was sure he would deflect it the way he usually does.
The unexpected happened. "Yes", he admitted and turned to her. "How could I keep my eyes off the most exquisite creature they ever encountered?"
She gaped.
"How could I not stare at the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen?"
Her bluff had been called, she was losing the game. Her knees became weak.
"Since I met you", he struggled for words. "Since I met you, I haven't been the same. That first day", he looked out over the water, "I was barely able to speak to anyone. You filled my every thought for days afterwards. When I found out about the wedding, about Simon..." His jaw muscle flexed. "When I found out about that I could not sleep. I contemplated so many strategies." He turned to her and laughed without humour. "Even kidnap." The blanket had slipped from her shoulder and without thinking he pulled it up for her.  His hand touched her neck. He quickly pulled it away and put it in his pocket.
"By the time I attended the wedding – thank you for the invitation, by the way – by that time I had made peace with it. With the whole thing, with losing you, I mean. I don't suppose you can lose something you never had, but at least there were possibilities... If you'd stayed unmarried, who knows? But that day, your wedding day, I need you to know that I didn't plan it. I was convinced you would be Mrs. Cartwell by the end of the day."
"Me too", Florence said softly.
"I know. I saw the resignation–"
"I was not resigned! I –" Not understanding why, but unable to control herself, she became suddenly angry.
"No offence intended, my dear", Marcus placated. "I should have phrased it better. My apologies."
The anger dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Who could stay angry at such a handsome man, with such a soothing voice?
"What I meant to say was: I saw you were doing your duty and that your duty was hurting you."
"You were the only one that saw it then", Florence murmured. "A stranger saw what the people closest to me could not see. Or maybe they did not want to see..."
"And that is why I did what I did. Not so that I could have you for myself, for, as I hope you know, you are free to do as you please. You are free to go or to stay. I do not own you. But, in all honesty, I would be unhappy if you left... Only, I could not let you marry that man." The last word was said through gritted teeth.
"He is not so terrible as you think. We've had some conversations,  he seemed pleasant enough. And father would not have let me marry a man he did not approve of."
"Did your father approve of me?"
"I believe he did, otherwise I would not be standing here."
"I would rather not quarrel with you over this. Just know that men are not always what they appear to be. But let us turn to more pleasant matters. Did my lady enjoy her evening?"
"Yes, my lord", she answered and curtsied awkwardly under the weight of the woollen blanket.
"I did it again, didn't I? Let us try again", he took a breath and faced her. "Florence, did my honesty scare you? Do you take me for a stalker? Or worse? Be honest, please."
"I – no." With those golden eyes penetrating her own, looking for understanding, she found it hard to think, to formulate an acceptable answer. The blanket slipped from her shoulders. Marcus lifted it up, but this time, when his hands touched her neck, they lingered there. His touch caused tingles to flow up and down her body. She noticed, not for the first time, that his skin was smooth, unblemished like an angel's. The structure of his nose was straight and complimented his full lips perfectly. His sharp eyes brought out the sharp features of his eyebrows, cheeks and chin. Traces of laugh lines played about the edges of his eyes. The corners of his mouth had a permanent upturned curl, as though the Count knew an amusing secret.
Without having realized it, Florence found that she had been physically drawn to Marcus and that she was in fact leaning into him. His cool fingers were stroking her cheek now. His lips parted to reveal a glimpse of perfect set of straight, white teeth. Her own lips followed suit. His smouldering eyes dropped to her mouth. They were so close together, their noses were almost touching. He was all around her – she could smell him, feel him, see him, almost taste him. The heat of his breath warmed her face; she could not imagine a more intoxicating scent.
Then he pulled back, abruptly stepping away. Florence was about to ask what happened, but then she heard a noise in the bedroom.
"Master? Oh! I'm sorry, I did not know..." Florence could not imagine what Justine must have thought they were doing.
"What is it, Justine?" Marcus's voice was husky. He was leaning over the balustrade again, his back to them.
"Most of the – uh – guests have left, m' lord. Seems the party is over and a lovely party it was too, m' lord, if I may say so. Only trouble is some, er, most of the men did not make it to their rooms..."
He turned around and looked at her thoughtfully. "They've passed out, haven't they?"
"Yes, m' lord", she seemed pleased that he caught on so quickly and that she did not have to explain the situation.
"Let them sleep. See to it that they have a warm fire. And some pillows." He waved a dismissive hand.
"Yes, m' lord", she curtsied and was about to leave.
"I had best get to bed", Florence said quickly and called to Justine. "Would you escort me? I'm still not very familiar with the castle."
"Of course, m' lady."
Florence handed the blanket back to Marcus when she passed him and left him there, with an unfathomable expression in his eyes.
Chapter 11. The Balcony ^^

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Florence: [link]
Marcus: [link]

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Yimiki's avatar
Marcus is so sweet there. Such a caring person. ^^